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Apricot Custard Slice






Chuck the apricots, water and tea bag in a saucepan to soak overnight (you could probably skip this if need be but it does make them super scrumptious). In the morning, add sugar and bring to boil. Keep boiling (stirring a fair bit) until the fluid reduces to more of a thin syrup. Set aside to cool.

For the custard, bung it all in a saucepan and whisk it over low heat until it makes a really really thick custard.

For the batter, in a mixer, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla then everything else. Fold in custard and apricots. Don’t worry about the custard being completely mixed in, little blobs here and there are delicious!

Bung in the oven at 180 deg cel, in slice tray until it is golden on top and not jiggly in the middle.

To make pretty, dust with icing sugar when cooled.

The Ramblings:

I am to smoko with another on of our lovely neightbours today! When I first moved here just before Christmas they so kindly invited Matt and I down for dinner where a few wines were consumed and a beautiful time was had. Nothing beats country hospitality and welcome! Best be off out the door now!

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