- 125g butter (melted)
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1/2 cup coconut
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- Juice and zest of 3 large lemons
- 1 tin condensed milk
- 250g cream cheese
- 300mL sour cream
- 1/4 cup custard powder
- 4 eggs
- 125g butter (cubed)
- 1 cup flour
- 1 cup coconut
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
Mix base ingredients together and push into bottom of tin.
Over low heat combine everything for filling except the eggs until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool a little.
Use your hands to rub butter through the crumble ingredients breaking it into a nice med-fine crumble. I don’t mean to seem finicky with that but just be careful because big chunks will do a Titanic.
Whisk eggs through filling and pour over base. Sprinkle crumble over top and bake at 180 deg cel until crumble goldens and jiggles rather than slooooshes when tapped. Leave in oven to cool so you don’t end up with a swimming pool in the middle.
The Ramblings:
On Saturday we were luck to be visited by a few friends. Our heads on Sunday were a testament to what a wonderful night it was.
Kate the magnificent (the one to thank for idea of caramel cookies!) brought wine to stock my new rack and Lisha the super star brought me a mountain of lemons from her tree at home. So today is all about creative ways to use lemons and when my liver hates me a little less, I can’t wait to crack open the wine!