Simple flavours that warm the soul
- 1.5-2 kg chicken pieces (or whatever cut really)
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 tbsp all purpose seasoning
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 125 g butter (chopped into 3 knobs)
- 500 g mushrooms (sliced)
- 2 tsp chicken stock powder
- 2 L water
In a big freezer bag combine the flour, seasoning and onion powder. Pop the chicken pieces in and toss around until well coated. In a large casserole pot, heat one piece of butter and place half the chicken pieces in to brown well. Do the same with another piece of butter and second batch of chicken. Keep the remaining flour mix to one side. Brown off the mushrooms next with the remaining butter. Add stock and water, then return chicken to pan. Let simmer away until the chicken is cooked through, mixing occasionally. Mix up remaining flour with enough water to make a loose paste and whisk through the dish and continue cooking, stirring constantly until sauce has thickened. Enjoy!!!
The Ramblings:
Still being down in Toowoomba, place of freezing cold, drizzly, shitty weather, winter warmers like mushroom chicken are becoming a staple! Thankfully I’m finding a bit of balance with what I can eat without affecting my sugars yet still feel full and eat enough carb-heavy food that it stays down…. Fingers crossed!!!
Another favourite winter warmer that I think I’ll be cracking out in the next few weeks is my all time favourite, Roast Tomato & Capsicum Soup!
Anywho, aside from the weather, it is so so lovely to be getting some time with Mum! The downside though is missing Matt. It’s such an exciting, yet terrifying time waiting for bub and it seems very strange to be doing it without him. Poor Petunia isn’t enjoying fending for himself much either! Steakettes, 2 minute noodles and frozen pizza seem to be his go to’s…… Despite the freezer full of healthy meals I left!
I’m making the most of cooking down here though, making all the things he hates… Eg, mushroom chicken! Matt makes similar disgusted faces about mushroom as he does about ‘that mushy, green sh*t’, aka avocado…