A true classic
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1½ cups rolled oats
- 1 cup coconut
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 tsp ginger
- 125 g butter
- 2 tbsp golden syrup
- 2 tbsp water
- 1 tsp bicarb
Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl. In a cup, mix together water and bicarb. Melt butter and syrup together then remove from heat and mix in water until it foams. Pour over dry ingredients and mix well. If need, you can add another tbsp of water if it isn't coming together nicely. Roll into balls and bake in a slow oven (160 deg cel). Grandma suggests 15 min, but it depends on the size of your biscuits and your preference for chewy/crunchy. Just golden for chewy, nicely browned for crunchy.
Grandma says only 1 tbsp golden syrup but I find they don’t hold together as nicely as with 2, suit yourself 🙂
The Ramblings:
I’ve been a little slack on cooking my way through Grandma’s cookbook but I am rectifying that! I made Grandma’s ANZAC biscuits the other day and have her pansy cakes on my to do list today. Shan’t ramble, shall just go get on with it 😀