The ultimate cuppa dunker!
- 250 g butter (soft)
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 3 1/2 cups plain four
- 2 tsp tea leaves (I use my favorite, T2 Melbourne Breakfast)
Whiz up your tea leaves or attack them in the mortar pestle until fine. If you are a hethan who drinks tea dust from bags, it will be fine as is (sorry, tea and coffee are my snob things!) Then chuck everything in the stand mixer and beat the bajeesus out of it. Roll out (on baking paper makes life nice and easy) to half a cm thick and cut out biccies. Bake at 150 deg cel until bottoms just begin to brown.
If you want to ice, pop and extra tsp of tea in a cup with 4 tsp boiling water and let steep. Drain off liquid and mix in enough icing sugar to make it a nice consistency.
The Ramblings
This morning has been a circus! 5:30 brekkie (EWWWWWWW!!!!), popped these through the oven and decided to take Mags for a walk.
Yesterday she was a right royal terror. I’m still trying to shake the end of this horrid cold so we missed a few days of walking and it’s showing… My beautiful potted tomato plants that I have nurtured from seeds and been carefully tending for a few months are heavily laiden with green fruit, so exciting! Mags has never looked twice at them before, however, yesterday she decided to chomp the best one off right at the base and carry it around…….. NOT HAPPY JAN………
So I was determined to wear her ragged on a big walk and save the seedlings that Mum brought out for me. All was going along well, chatting to Mum on the phone, walking away….. Until the cat decided he wanted to come walking too………. the next 45 minutes were utter mayhem with a lead semi permanently doing it’s darnedest to trip me, a cat-dog scenario where when the canine pounced on the feline, both continuing walking along, one stacked on top of the other with much ear chomping and a very peeved plover who’s nest must’ve been near and was overwrought by the touring madhouse.
Fair to say I earned my cup of tea upon return…..