The delicious favourite with half the mucking around
- 125 g butter (soft)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3 eggs (or 2 duck eggs)
- 1 1/2 cups plain flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 cup milk (or buttermilk)
- 3/4 cup shredded coconut
- 3/4 cup icing sugar
- 2 tbsp cocoa
- 1/2 cup boiling water
- 2 tbsp butter
Beat butter, sugar then vanilla and eggs. Chuck in everything except coconut and give it a good beating for a minute or two. Bake in a slice tin until a skewer come out clean and top has lightly browned. While hot, mix up the icing (it will be super runny, that's the point of it), cut your slice and pour over icing so it soaks in evenly. Sprinkle with coconut.
This is adapted from a recipe of Wendy’s. I’ve changed it a bit but credit where credit is due, the idea was based off hers. If you want to see phenomenal photos and ramblings far more interesting, educational and hilarious than my waffle, check out @bulldust_and_mulga to get a glimpse into Wendy’s incredible world that I was so lucky to get to be a part of for a while.
The Ramblings:
After popping Mum back on the plane on Saturday, the last few days have sucked. Today though, great day! For my town work at the moment, I am working on writing a grant application and when it comes to that my brain works far better when curled up on my couch with a cup of tea. So today was a working from home day. It’s been the first weekday that I haven’t driven to town in weeks and just to stay home, pop on a load of washing and play with the doggo without keeping to a timeline of being showered, decent and in town for work was such an awesome luxury! After smashing out a bit of work this morning, Matt came home at smoko and asked if I wanted to go down and help do killers! The day got even better!
Even though I am so so so far from good at killers, (I used to love watching Pete do it so fast, making it look so effortless, which I now I am even more in awe of!) I had much fun showing up the newest jackaroo who was helping. I will never be able to do one woe-to-go because, although there isn’t a vegan bone in my body, I am really not much on killing part… Don’t get me wrong, it is a very very quick and virtually painless death (Matt is really good at it), but even though I know they are dead for it, the moist, bubbly, gurgly noises really ick me out. Once they’ve stopped moving (just muscles doing their thing, they are dead I promise), Matt and I seem to now have our rhythm fairly well down pat, doing two sheep, but swapping between sheep as I get to bits I’m not so crash hot on. The icing on the cake of today was how much love and attention I got from Miss Mags after coming home all bloody and covered in mutton fat!