A delicious way to use up those overripe bananas
- 2 overripe bananas
- 125 g butter (soft)
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp custard powder
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 cups plain flour
- 1½ cup chocolate chips
Cream butter, sugar and banana. Mix everything else in well then add chocolate chips. Pop in fridge for half an hour to firm up (lets you roll nicely without adding extra flour on your hands). Roll teaspoons of dough and push down a little. Bake at 180 deg cel until the bottoms are nicely golden.
The Ramblings:
How do you know you have a toddler in the house? There is ALWAYS an excess of bananas…. How? I have no idea, but there are always, always, always, overripe bananas. Hence these banana chocolate chip cookies…
Speaking of toddlers… Hazel has entered her ‘Helga Head’ phase, defined by brutality, violence and a general likeness to Wreck-It-Ralf. We are riding it out, but when she does things that hurt us, I grab her hand and say no, with varying degrees success. Unfortunately our tiny terrorist has developed a particular affinity for our poor, long suffering cat. He’s a bit of an idiot in that he never runs away but is exceedingly patient and just sits there and takes all the ‘toddler love’. He got jack of it the other day though and very very gently touched Boo’s hand with his claws to say he’d had enough. Apparently Hazel knows though, that the appropriate response to violent behavior is to grab the offending paw and yell “No!!!” at the perpetrator. To make her point especially clear,she also used said paw to fling a very affronted feline across the loungeroom floor…..
Da poor puddy tat… He felled down…..
Please send liquid sanity (aka coffee and wine)…….