the more decadent cousin of the old faithful jam drop…
- 125 g butter (soft)
- ½ cup icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1¼ cups flour
- a few teaspoons of milk
- ½ tin condensed milk
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- 1 tbsp butter
Cream butter, icing sugar and vanilla. Add flour. Add a teaspoon at a time of milk beating well between additions until the dough forms a ball. Roll into balls and build dams with your loader of choice. Bake until only just beginning to golden and resmoosh the holes gently.
Pop everything for filling in a small saucepan and whisk continually until nice and thick. Spoon into holes and let cool. Taaadaaaa! Diabetes on a plate!!!
The Ramblings
Short and sweet here today in an attempt to actually get a recipe up…. Much trickier these days!!! Currently sitting on the spare bed in a sea of washing with Hazel in my lap chewing on all the clothes that were clean….. This afternoon we are off down the yards to draft goats. Hazel goes in the wearer and I am armed with a zappy stick, what could possibly go wrong…..