Seriously the easiest thing you will ever make. Absolutely anyone can’t make this Cheats Caramel Peach Cake and a great back up plan to always have these 3 things kicking around the back of the cupboard.

With just 3 ingredients, any idiot can do this!
- 1 400g tin of peaches in syrup (could use other tinned fruit too)
- 1 tin condensed milk
- 1 home brand packet cake (the ones that are normally around 75c, nothing flash)
Mix the condensed milk, packet mix and syrup together, smooshing any lumps. Chop up the peaches a bit the mix through. Bake at 180 deg cel until a skewer comes out clean.
Today I left it right side up, but I would recommend tipping it out upside down and serving it peaches up.
The Ramblings:
I’m not a big fan of making packet cakes as a general rule… Not for any reason other than my ego screams, “stuff you whitey, think I can’t cake? watch me!!!”. Mature I know…. It’s the same dumb ass part of me who didn’t want help pulling myself up onto the loo at 19 months. Poor Mum was convinced that I’d fall in and she’d find me drowned…. So in true Claire form, this Cheats Caramel Peach cake is my way of making a packet cake; refusing to follow their instructions! Anywho, my personality flaws aside….
My lambies are getting big now! So Barry does Barry… He’s a bit special…. Lately he has discovered that he like rubbing on the burny bin. Why? Who would know, as I said, a bit special… My theory is he is having an identity crisis. I think he was born a white sheep but identifies as an indigenous sheep and as such is working to gradually painting himself black…
There isn’t a lot of pick around for my little friends at the moment and as of Saturday they have decided to start weaning themselves (except for my little Betty). I worry they are getting enough good stuff for their little tummies. Miss Maggie has been learning about not chasing them, so I thought yesterday I would try letting them in the garden. It worked out perfectly! Maggies zappy collar keeps here about a metre from the fence, so the lambs wipper snipped for us!!! Winning!!!!!
PS, if you try making this with other fruit, please let me know, I would love to hear how it turns out!