Choc Cherry Coconut Cookies!

Choc Cherry Coconut Cookies
With all the flavours of cherry ripe, what could be better?
- 125 g butter (soft)
- ½ cup sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 egg
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ⅓ cup cocoa
- 1 cup coconut
- 200 g glace cherries (chopped)
- ¾ cup chocolate chips
Beat butter and sugar. Add in eggs and essence then flour, cocoa and baking powder. Mix through everything else. Bake teaspoonfuls at 180 deg cel until just firm.
The Ramblings:
After a few weeks of rush cooking, it was a wonderful luxury to get to do some creative baking and make these Choc Cherry Coconut Cookies this morning. The news highlights here from the last few weeks:
- I had my 20 weeks scan! Because of the virus I just went to Emerald for it rather than going to Toowoomba. Which had the lovely bonus of catching up with a friend who lives there now, however, I didn’t get to see Mum so that sucked. But, bub is happy, healthy and very big! And we got given an envelope with gender in that I gave to the bakery, so on Saturday Matt and I will get to cut a cake and find out pink or blue!!!!
- The puppies are 8 weeks old as of today and all have found their new homes! Which is so wonderful, but also will break my heart saying bye to them. Happily though, Possum, my little friend I bottle fed, is going to stay with us!
- This whole Corona business has me working from home! Wooooohoooooo!!!!! I’m loving this concept of wearing my dressing gown to work!
- I bought my first ever sewing machine! For those of you who know me you’ll be thinking this is a bit strange, I always sew… But my favourite sewing machine in the whole world is one of Mum’s that I have had on a permanent borrow for many years now. It’s done a lot of kms and over the weekend it comprehensively pooped itself. Thankfully not requiring loo paper…. Anywho, it will be a long time until I can get it into the magic sewing machine doctor so I bought myself a cute little (rather basic but does 95% of the things I want) one! I got it from the lovely ladies at Anthony’s in Dalby who popped it on the bus for me last night, so it should be in town for me tonight. I can’t wait!!!
Anyway, hope you are all staying safe and well during this madness!