A decadent Easter treat or ditch the cross and enjoy all year round!
- 4 cups bread mix
- ¼ cup white sugar
- 1½ tbsp yeast
- 30 (ish) g butter (melted)
- 300 mL milk (luke warm)
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup chocolate chips
Chuck everything except chocolate chips in the mix master and beat the crappers out it with the dough hook until it all comes together and is silky smooth. Pop in a greased bowl in a warm spot until doubled in size. Punch down and knead in the chocolate chips. Divide into 12, shape and pop on tray. Cover with glad wrap and let rise for half an hour or so. To make add crosses make a slurry of flour, water and cocoa and pop over. Bung in 180 deg cel oven until they are cooked to how you like. Personally I like them only just cooked through and still a little aneimic on top. If you want to glaze them, mix a tbsp of golden syrup with a tsp of boiling water and brush over.
Given how non-traditional these Choc Chip Hot Cross Buns are, I reckon if I ditch the crossed, they will be a delicious smoko treat year round. Maybe topped with some chocolate icing and sprinkles?
For making traditional ones, just add in 2 tsp of cinnamon, 1 tsp of mixed spice, half a tsp of ground cloves and swap out the choc chips for currants, sultanas or raisins. Another fun thing to try may be soaking raisins in rum….
Thinking of things to try, next year when I’m finally allowed to drink again, I’m super keen to try whipping together cream cheese a butt load of baileys and gelatine and filling hollow Easter eggs… Baileys Cheesecake Easter Egg shots!!!!!!!
The Ramblings:
Personally I am a massive fan of good old school hot cross buns that are bursting with spices and sultanas. You know the ones that make your whole house smell like Easter and are really just a condiment to eating a whole stick of butter? To me, that’s what Easter is all about… Sadly though not this year! Turns out Matt hates cinnamon (BLASPHAMY!!!!), so in an effort to appease (and because I forgot to get sultanas yesterday, stupid baby brain…) this good Friday in our house is all about choc chip hot cross buns…. I’m trying to get on board……. Doesn’t feel like Easter though……..
Anywho, on a less petulant note, Matt has spent the morning fighting with putting a booster aerial up and now I have AWESOME internet!!!! In fairness, by awesome internet I mean that we now get one bar of 4G if we stand on one leg, with our pinky toes crossed and the wind is blowing exactly 2.45km per hour in a North North Westerly direction…… But that is a significant improvement from one bar of 3G!