I can never go past a good brownie and ADORE macarons but honestly, can’t be arsed to make the finicky buggers, so my solution? Chocolate Macaron Slice!

A rich brownie base with a light macaroon top.
- 125 g butter
- ¾ cup brown sugar
- ⅔ cup cocoa powder
- 4 eggs (divorced)
- ¾ cups plain flour
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 cup icing sugar (sifted)
- 3/4 cup almond meal
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
Melt butter, brown sugar and the cocoa together. Take off heat and add the vanilla, egg yolks and flour. Spread in the bottom of a square cake tin.
Beat the bajeezus out of whites until very stiff peaks form. Gently fold through the icing sugar, almond meal and remaining 1 tbsp cocoa keeping as much air in as possible. Spread over base and bake at 200 deg cel until top sounds hollow when tapped.
If you are chasing some good old fashioned brownies or some funky, better choices, avocado ones, have a gander at these:
The Ramblings:
With breakfast so stupidly early at the moment the stars are still out when I get home. The less lights I can get away with though, the quicker I get back to sleep. Which is super important because that hour or two is the difference between me being a rational human or godzilla… Anywho, I digress.
This morning when I let Miss Maggie out she started going bat-crap crazy at the bottom of the stairs. Half awake, I told her to be quiet and grumbled about leaving the poor bloody cat alone. Poor bugger must wonder what he ever did so unforgivably wrong for us to buy Maggs…. Mid grumble though he started smooching around my legs. Assuming the reptilian worst, I snapped awake, scooped up the cat, roared at Mag to come up stairs, ran in to turn a light on, preparing to scream ‘GUN’ at poor half asleep Matt when I saw my new friend Spike! All this chaos for a poor little echnida who was minding his own business, curled up in the garden…… Oops!
I apologised to Mags for blaming her for digging the holes in the garden the last few days, and with Matt’s help, popped Spike into a box. I quite like echnidas but so does Maggie. To her their spikes look like teething sticks…. Doesn’t end well for either party….
My last job taught me many things, one of which is life stops for good photos… No matter what one should be doing or how loudly small passengers protest, if there is an opportunity for a good photo, everything else can just wait. So when I took Spike down the paddock this morning I think the boys must’ve thought I was cracked as I sat in the dirt next to my echnida waiting for the sun to rise behind him, how cool would that be! After persisting through many butt prickles, and what felt like an eternity (maybe 10 minutes?), it was the most lackluster sun rise I have ever seen here… Grrrrrr…
Needless to say, with all the excitement I didn’t get my extra hour… Chatting to Mum, watching the sunrise with a cool little dude wasn’t a bad way to start a day though! Probably not full Godzilla today, just ‘unfed podddy lamb’; whingy and likely to bunt anyone who comes near…
If you want to see the fruits of the ‘stop and take the photo’ approach, check out Wendy at: