No rising time!
- 1 cup milk (warm)
- ¼ cup sugar
- 1 tbsp yeast
- 3¾ cups plain flour
- 2 eggs
- 125 g butter (soft)
- 60 (ish) g butter (soft)
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- ½ cup icing sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
Combine milk, sugar and yeast and set aside while you pop the flour and eggs into a stand mixer with a dough hook. Once the yeast is starting to go frothy, add it too. Beat the bajeesus out of it until it forms a stiff ball. Add butter and keep mixing. It may take a few minutes, but have faith, keep mixing until it reforms a ball.
Mix together everything for the cinnamon butter.
Roll out your dough to be around 30 x 50 cm. Don't get finicky about it but it should be reasonable thin and a tidyish rectangle will make it easier.
Smear cinnamon butter generously on half the rectangle. Fold the dough in half so you've made a sandwich of sorts. Give it a gentle roll to make sure its nicely stuck together. Cut strips about an inch wide (you should get 11 or 12). Gently stretch and twist each strip together, tie into a loose knot and pop on a baking tray. I sit mine a little way apart and use 2 trays so they don't stick to eachother.
Bake at 180 deg cel until nicely browned and sound hollow when tapped.
Mix glaze with enough water to make a nice loose icing that you can brush over cooling knots. Taaadaaa!
I know that looks like a lot of words, but I promise they are super quick and simple for a yeast creation.! And the added bonus of looking super pro with minimal effort!
The Ramblings:
Before I headed West I worked for a real estate agency in a few different roles. Mum is higher up the chain but works in a real estate agency too. Anyone who has worked in a property management department knows that tensions are often quite high and home cooking is the only answer! Hence why I made these Cinnamon Roll Brioche knots to drop in yesterday!
Mum’s office is quite short staffed at the moment so while I’m sitting down here twiddling my thumbs I’m getting to do a few days work there. It is awesome for lots of reasons, a) $$$ b) it stops me sitting at home dwelling on having lost 2 friends in two weeks (lost as in dead… a pretty awful fortnight) c) it keeps my brain busy and d) it reminds me of how darn grateful I am I don’t do this full time anymore!!!!
When I made the call to turn my world upside down and head west, I knew that I wasn’t happy and needed the change but I had no idea that it would be the best decision I have ever made. As I’ve been sad about the deaths of two incredible humans, it has been a great opportunity to remember how lucky I am. Lucky that all the pieces fell into place, lucky that I got the chance to know not only those two beautiful people, but the hundreds of truly wonderful humans my adventure has introduced me to.
It has nearly been 4 years since I went to Trinidad and I wish I could go back and tell that scared little nearly 21 year old about where my life is now. About how it is all going to work out. Yes, some boys will break your heart, but they lead you to the imperfectly perfect man you are about to start your family with. Yes sometimes you are going to miss your Mum so much that it feels like you are going to break in half, but because of that you are going to meet so many friends who will become closer than family. Yes, being a govie is hardly a career move, however, the skills and life lessons you’ll pick up will mean you’ll publish your first cookbook before your 25th birthday with another one in the works and that’ll be the reason you have the opportunity to be a stay at home Mum. Yes, you’ll have an attempt at an engagement with a near miss wedding, but because of the way that breaks you, when you meet Matt there’ll be no games, all your cards will be on the table and together you will build a life you love. It will all be worth it. It will all work out and damn you are gonna eat some yummy goodies along the way!
Here’s to the next adventure and all the goodies yet to be eaten!