No rising time!
Combine milk, sugar and yeast and set aside while you pop the flour and eggs into a stand mixer with a dough hook. Once the yeast is starting to go frothy, add it too. Beat the bajeesus out of it until it forms a stiff ball. Add butter and keep mixing. It may take a few minutes, but have faith, keep mixing until it reforms a ball.
Mix together everything for the cinnamon butter.
Roll out your dough to be around 30 x 50 cm. Don't get finicky about it but it should be reasonable thin and a tidyish rectangle will make it easier.
Smear cinnamon butter generously on half the rectangle. Fold the dough in half so you've made a sandwich of sorts. Give it a gentle roll to make sure its nicely stuck together. Cut strips about an inch wide (you should get 11 or 12). Gently stretch and twist each strip together, tie into a loose knot and pop on a baking tray. I sit mine a little way apart and use 2 trays so they don't stick to eachother.
Bake at 180 deg cel until nicely browned and sound hollow when tapped.
Mix glaze with enough water to make a nice loose icing that you can brush over cooling knots. Taaadaaa!
I know that looks like a lot of words, but I promise they are super quick and simple for a yeast creation.! And the added bonus of looking super pro with minimal effort!
Thanks for visiting, happy cooking!