A super simple cake, made to your favorite flavor.
- 125 g butter (soft)
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/2 cup undiluted cordial (any flavor you like, my favorite is pine mango or fruit cup crush)
- 2 cups SR Flour
Chuck everything in and beat the bajeesus out of it until it's nice and pale. Bake at 160 deg cel until a skewer comes out clean.
The Ramblings:
Despite my haphazard recipe writing there are a few kitchen things that I am particularly neurotic about. One of them is baking paper…. If I am using a round cake tin, I must trace the bottom, cut out my circle and make an appropriate width strip for the edge… My previous boss Wendy, unburdened by such neuroses, takes a third of the time to make a cake as me as she bungs down a perfectly functional square of baking paper that does the job beautifully. Today, I embraced my inner Wendy and aside from my twitch, you’d never have know I didn’t take 15 minutes playing with baking paper!