Quick and easy, 4 ingredient, custard flavoured shortbread biscuits.
- 250 g butter (soft)
- 3/4 cup icing sugar
- 1/3 cup custard powder
- 2 2/3 cup plain flour
Beat the bajeezus out of everything. Roll into ball and press down (for something a bit schmick I did mine in my cookie shaping paddle, but a fork gives a lovely top too!). Bake at 150 deg cel until the bottoms are just starting to brown. Be careful not to over cook.
The Ramblings:
My pondering into what Christmas is going to look like for us this year continues but I’m quite certain that my cookie shaping paddle and stamps I was given for last xmas will take center stage! Loving playing with my pretties!
Our town uses their show holiday for Melbourne cup so today I’m loving a public holiday! *Whooop whooop* *bra and pant-less happy dancing*.
The boys have had to do a bit of work this morning but bless their cotton socks they decided they didn’t want brekkie, instead to crack into it early as possible so they can get to town. As the one who always has to be out of bed first and curses the ‘luxury lifestyle’ of Matt’s 15 extra minutes of sleep, half waking up to him getting out of bed at some ungodly hour and getting to smirk, roll over, and go back to sleep until 6:30 was the best way to start a day! I think I am finally a proper (boring) adult though, I am so excited for my day of leisure because I’m going to get on top of the washing, vacuum the house and pull some weeds in the garden, how fabulous! Ps, if you happen across ‘fun Claire’ please return her as she is dearly missed. She will most likely be in varying states of undress, dancing on a table with a strong rum in hand…….
Can you give USA amounts, temp? Thanks
Hi Ardith, I’m in Australia and our measurements are the way I know best. Google does have quite easy converters, however, given I have never tried making my recipe using converted quantities I don’t feel it is appropriate for me to be providing them unteseted.