Grandma’s Monte Carlo Biscuits
Full of love and super easy!
- 125 g butter (soft)
- 125 g sugar (a generous ½ cup)
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3 tsp honey
- 2½ cups self raising flour
Cream butter and sugar. Add in egg, vanilla and honey and beat well. Add in flour, making quite a stiff dough. Roll small tsps of dough and flatten with a fork on a baking tray. Bake at 180 deg cel until bottoms are just golden. Pipe one half with buttercream and the other with jam and pop in the fridge to set.
The Ramblings:
Matt is finally down!!!! Sadly though, Hazel has missed the memo of, Dad is here, you may exit immediately…… We are currently working our way through all the old wives tales to bring on labour and so far none have been effective…. Grrrrrrr… Anywho, while we wait, I may as well bake! So today I decided to give Grandma’s Monte Carlo biscuits a crack. Certainly a winner!