Mint Sauce
Every good roast lamb or mutton needs a knock out mint sauce!
- 1 handful fresh mint leaves
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 3 tbsp vinegar
- 2 tbsp water
- ½ tbsp cornflour
Bung everything in the blender and whiz until mint is chopped to your liking. Pop in the microwave for a minute or until it goes clear and thickens slightly. Taaaadaaaa!!! Mint sauce!!!
Recipe Notes
This makes enough sauce for Matt and I to smother our dinners in so depending how many you’re feeding just multiply accordingly.
The Ramblings:
Gotta love Easter! Hot cross buns, fudge, mountains of chocolate and roast mutton… Does life get any better??? Why yes it does!!!! MINT SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay so maybe mint is something I get a bit hectic about so I shan’t continue down this road…
Hope you all have a really happy Easter!!!