Quick, easy and totally decadent!
- 1 packet mint slice biscuits
- 250 g cream cheese
- 375 g dark chocolate (melted)
- cocoa for rolling
Pop the biscuits and cream cheese in the food processor and pour in the chocolate while zooming. Chuck mix into the fridge to set a bit, 20ish min will probably do. Roll into balls, then in cocoa and pop back in the fridge to harden up. Taaaadaaaaa!!!!
You could use all different sorts of biscuits, I can’t wait to try caramel crowns and timtams! I did use oreos the other day and discovered that 2 packets of them is best.
The Ramblings:
So I’ve been quite quiet on here for a while…. Hazel and I have moved into big town. Out of respect for Matt I shan’t go into it, but I know in my heart it is the right call. So life is looking very different now. I haven’t lived in town in a really long time and while its a great stop over for a year while I get my ducks in a row, one way or another I will need to get back to living out of town. For the next year though, I will make it home and collect my thoughts a little before diving into whatever our next adventure may be. Anyway, that’s all from me. Hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and 2022 is shaping up to be your year! Big love from Hazel and I!