A thoughtful, simple and affordable gift idea, who doesn’t love a good mug cake mix? I truly believe the best gifts are rarely the most expensive. This year my plan spread the love with food, less ‘stuff’ that just clutters houses.

A dry mix that makes the perfect gift
- 1 cup SR flour
- ½ cup white sugar
- ½ cup brown sugar
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 2 tbsp milk powder
- 1 tbsp custard powder
- 1 cup chocolate chips
Mix everything together well so there is no lumps of anything.
To make up:
Mix 4 tbsp of dry mix, 2 tbsp milk and 1 generous tsp of butter in a mug. Microwave for 2 minutes.
The Ramblings:
Yesterday shearing wrapped up, yay!!! This morning the boys had to walk the last lot of sheep away though, so still an early breakfast. That worked out well enough though, I got to write up this Mug Cake Mix in peaceful solitude! Tomorrow however, I decree that, come hell or high water (bathroom visits not included), my feet shall not touch the floor before 7am! Woohoo!!! I cannot wait!!!
Despite the 40+ degree heat here the last few days, it snowed here last night! The almighty wind yesterday must have blown down a styrofoam box lid into Miss Maggies clutches…. White Christmas!!!
After much time collecting said snow, it was walking time. Miss Muffin was in far to much of a mood for the lead to be a good idea so we just walked around the outside of the house yard. I’m glad I live in the middle of nowhere because we must’ve been a sight to behold. All my ankle socks are in the wash so I was sporting a very attractive pair of pink penguin socks sticking out well above my joggers, shorts, and an old, very large workshirt covering said shorts.
The high socks, semi nudist was tailed by 4 lambs who, despite being fed a mere 15 minutes earlier, were screaming blue murder. Orbiting the group was a very bouncy, waggy monster who was doing a fabulous job at keeping the wooly friends right up close to the penguins. As an added bonus, the brown creature kept darn near tripping the walker who would then shout profanities… So much for inner peace…
Fabulous recipe and gift idea … almost as good as your ramblings 😂
I’m never too sure which I enjoy the most … recipes or ramblings … they both make my day 💗😋😘
Thank you so much! This comment has totally made my day <3