Don’t have a pie maker? No stress, these pie maker rissoles are just as good done in a normal old frying pan too!

Full of flavour, goodness and never dry
- 500 g mince (I used beef because it's what I had, suit yourself)
- 1.5 cups cooked rice (works well if you just make some extra the night before)
- 1.5 cup grated vegetables (sweet potato, carrots and zuchinis work well)
- 1 cup grated cheese
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp worcestershire
- 2 tsp garlic
- 2 tsp all purpose seasoning
- 1 tsp mustard
- 1.5 tbsp tomato paste
- ¼ cup bbq sauce
- ¼ cup water
- 2 tsp gravox powder
If you have a paddle mix master, chuck all the rissole stuff in there for a few minutes until nicely combined. If not, no stress, get stuck up it with your hands. Roll into balls (for my sunbeam pie maker dividing into 8 big ones works well), Now depending on how you cook them, either chuck them in a medium/hot frying pan with a lid on or in a pm with the lid down for 10ish min or until they've had a chance to steam and cook through a bit. Take lid off or open pm and cook until the liquid has evaporated and bottom is nicely browned. While that's all happening, mix up your glaze. Just before you flip them, pour over glaze, making sure they are nicely coated. Flip and cook until glaze has thickened and stuck on and the second side has browned.
The Ramblings
So while I’m breastfeeding I’m finding I crave red meat HEAPS! Cows shouldn’t stand still around me for long or I might start munging on them…. I need one handed things I can just grab from the fridge that preferably also contain veggies…. Enter Pie Maker Rissoles!
Anyway, breastfeeding….I want to preface this with fed is best and you do you, whatever works for you and your baby is always right, whatever that solution may look like. I NEVER want to be that person who makes another Mumma bear, who’s just trying to get through the day like everyone else, feel anything other than loved and supported in what an awesome job she is doing, even if that looks different to how I, or anyone else, does it. Okay disclaimer over.
So before Miss Hazel made her arrival I’ve always been a rather conservative person (while sober…. we shan’t discuss what behaviour vodka incites…. there’s a reason I’m a rum pig!). As I’m sure anyone with kids will attest to, there is absolutely zero dignity with kids. Like, none… whatsoever…. On principle I have always been a staunch believer in breastfeeding in public being completely fine, wherever and whenever. If a baby is hungry, it needs to be fed, full stop, end of story. Anyone who has an issue with that is welcome to remove their head from their backside and slap themselves silly with a cactus. However, now as the one who has to flop a boob out though, my staunchness evaporates and it takes every last piece of bravery to not go hide in the corner and pray to be invisible…
We went to a patchwork shop the other day (surprise surprise!) and the lady there was so so beautiful. Boo hadn’t enjoyed the car ride down and was needing a good bit of comfort boob so I was planning to sit outside in the stinking heat and feed so as not to boob-ify the joint. Unknown to me, Mum ducked inside and spoke to the lady who beautifully offered me a comfy, private chair, a bottle of water and brought over a blankie for Boo in case the aircon was a bit chilly!!!! What an awesome human!!!!!
No real point to these ramblings today, just a brain dump, and please take the boobing lady a water, look her in the eyes, (ignoring bub because at that moment looking at bub is also eye balling the poor woman’s boob), and say something nice because she’s trying to be brave and do what’s best for her bub, but also kinda just wants to crawl under a big rock and hide.