- 2.5 (ish) kg tomatoes
- 1 onion
- 1 big handful fresh basil
- a few sprigs parsley
- 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
- 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 big tsp garlic
- 2 big tsp wholegrain mustard
- 1 cup white sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- juice of 1 lemon
Stick everything in the food processor or blender and whiz until smooth-ish. If you don’t have one, finely chop everything and if you like use a zoomy stick to blend. Simmer over low heat until excess liquid has evaporated leaving quite a thick sauce. Pour into sterilised jars and seal immediately
The Ramblings:
My birthday celebrations concluded last night with a bit of a get together with a few friends and bottles of wine. A ripper night was had and I was so lucky to be spoilt by so many beautiful people. The same lady who brought me many lemons not long ago, this time brought a 5L icecream tub of devine home-grown tomatoes and a giant plastic bag of fresh herbs! So naturally, today tomato relish was on the cards!
If you don’t have fresh herbs, feel free to replace with dried but if you can get your hands on fresh, as the saying goes, it’s always best. I make this relish quite smooth so its spreads easily on sandwiches to jazz up the trust old cold meat sangas. It would work perfectly well as a chunkier one, just depends how you like your relish and where you see it going. For something slightly different, try swapping the basil for rosemary and serving on chops.