Treacle Tart Slice
A shorbread base with a rich oat and treacle topping
Shortbread Base
- 125 g butter (soft)
- ⅓ cup icing sugar
- 1 ½ cups plain flour
Treacle Topping
- 1 cup golden syrup, treacle or molasses
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup rolled oats
Mix together everything for the topping and set aside so the oats soak up some of the sloppiness while you do the base.
Beat everything for shortbread and once it makes a ball in the mixer, push into the bottom of a medium square cake tin and smooth out. Chuck in the oven at 180 deg cel for 15 min.
Pour topping on and return to oven until topping is firm in the middle.
The Ramblings
Not overly much to ramble about tonight. I’m super excited to have finished my first ever own design quilt pattern today!!!! I know I’m an early Grandma, but hey, makes me happy 😀