Delicious morsels that fill tummies and hearts alike
In a little saucepan bring the apples, sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon and 2 tbsp water to the boil. Boil for a few minutes until apple softens and some of the moisture evaporates off. Combine cornfour and 2 tbsp water then pour through apple, stirring until thickens then remove from heat and set aside.
Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla then everything else. Roll tbsps of mix and create a big dam in the middle (I use the handle of my juicer, have a look with your MacGyver eyes on in your utensil draw for what you could use). Pile in a mountain of apple mix then bake at 180 deg cel until bottoms just start to brown. If you want to spunk them up a bit, drizzle with a runny basic icing.
Thanks for visiting, happy cooking!