Classic, crunchy, gooey goodness!
- 125 g butter
- 2 tbsp boiling water
- 1 tsp bicarb
- 2 tbsp golden syrup
- 1 cup muesli or rolled oats
- ¾ cup coconut
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 cup choc chips or sultanas (optional)
Combine water and bicarb. Melt butter and syrup then remove from heat and stir through bicarb. Pour this over dry ingredients and mix well. Pop teaspoons on baking sheets and bake at 180 deg cel til however gooey or crunchy you love.
For a bit of a twist on the classic ANZAC biscuits, try my Caramel ANZAC Slice!
The Ramblings:
A few weeks ago I had the best day with my old boss Wendy up in Longreach and admist the conversation ANZAC biscuits somehow came up. In true preggo lady form, once I thought about them I instantly NEEDED them. I finally got around to making them the other day and they were everything I had been dreaming of (literally!!!!). Happily my spawn decided it would accept my offering of ANZAC biscuits and I kept them down!
Speaking of true preggo lady form, here’s a little giggle for you…… My poor little old car, affectionately dubbed ‘the gin tin’, had had it’s time so while we were away we bought a second hand white prado. This car is the newest love of my life! I finally feel like a grown up having a car without any ‘quirks’, ie holding the key at a certain angle and giving it a few revs as it turned over the second time to start it…… The one upside of the Gin Tin, was I could always pick her out of a line up.
So coming out of the doctors, after I had firstly already left my keys in there and had to go back and get them, I finally got to the car and pushed the unlocky button. But it didn’t make it’s little noise…. Even after I pushed it a few hundred more times….. After banging the key a few times and pushing it again, devastated, a few tears escaped about having already ‘broken’ my new precious, I started to ring Matt. Thankfully before he answered I had walked back away from the car a little and noticed the number plate was wrong….. My ‘Penny the Prado’ was happily beeping away a few cars down….
Note to self, before having a little moment, check it’s the right white prado…….