Stupidly easy but impressive
- 1½ tbsp instant coffee
- 2 tbsp golden syrup
- 1 tbsp boiling water
- 125 g butter (soft)
- 3 eggs
- 1 cup brown sugar
- ¾ cup greek yogurt
- 1 cup SR flour
- 1 cup almond meal
- 1 tsp baking powder
Mix coffee, syrup and boiling water together until coffee disolves. Add in everything else and beat for a couple of minutes until light and fluffy. Pop in a well greased bundt tin and bake at 180 deg cel until a skewer comes out clean.
To ice I mixed 1 tbsp honey, 1 tsp water, tsp instant coffee and enough icing sugar to make a slowly runny consistency them popped on cake. To make it proper flash I mixed some roughly chopped raw almonds with some honey and cinnamon and baked until they smelt amazing and sprinkled on top once cooled.
The Ramblings:
This coffee and almond bundt cake came into existence this morning as I am so excited to have visitors arriving this afternoon! There’s something special about ‘re-meeting’ family friends you haven’t seen in a while as an adult. Rob was Mum’s boss in Canberra when she was my age. When I was growing up we always used to stop in with he and his wife Anita on our way to the snow.
I have beautiful memories of our time with them and their kids who are a touch older than us. Its strange though, I have ‘known’ them for years, but only how a kid knows adults. I know them as Rob who used to tickle me senseless, let me tie his shoes together and had the gorgeous budgy ‘Stimpy’. Nita who made beds without a top sheet (my faaavourite way of sleeping but Mum is a big believer in top sheets). They are the people who used to visit us at the farm and would come and meet whichever poddies I had at the time. Their daughter Nadia is the one who used to carry me around in the washing basket, paint my nails, show me her earring collection and gave me the best hand me down clothes. Beautiful memories of very happy times but I realise now I have no idea ‘who’ they are if that makes sense?
I had nearly the same thing the other day with one of Mums friends from school. Boo and I went to lunch with her and Mum and when Mum went back to work we stayed and chatted for a while and it was so lovely. Jode was the lady who would sit endlessly while I did her hair. In hindsight I feel that sentence should be ammended to ‘while I made gigantic knot messes in her hair’. She also had the adorable sausage dogs and the 4 million snakes that would come into her houseyard. Her husband Phil was the man who used to tease me about doing ‘ballet’ (pronounced with the t not silent) dancing and would when I would answer the phone had the scariest, boomy voice that used to freak me out until I would figure out who it was. But as adults they are the most genuine, interesting people. I actually think my govie time boss, Wendy, would get on with Jode like a house on fire, no wonder I love them too!
Anywho, Boo will wake up any moment, and I still haven’t eaten yet…. Enjoy cake!
Ps, if you are a fellow caffeine addict, these are my other favourite consumable!