These are the love child of two classic favourites, I give you, Shortbread Jam Drop Cookies!

Buttery shortbread with a delectable jam centre and only 4 ingredients!
- 250 g butter (soft)
- ¾ cup icing sugar
- 3 cups plain flour
- ½ cup jam (any flavor works but rosella is my favourite!)
Bung the butter, sugar and flour into a mixer and beat the bajeezus out of it until it forms a ball (it does start out as a very dry mix, but trust me, keep beating and it will come together). Shape balls with a large well in the centre and fill with jam (or if you are feeling adventurous, try nutella). Bake in a slow oven until the tops just begin to brown. Be careful not to overcook.
The Ramblings:
Sunday mornings growing up were marred with “Macca in the morning turns my week around, picks me, when I feel down. Wait all week for Macca, on a Sunday morning. Da da dooodo doodo dododoooooo….”. Despite my brother’s and I’s protest, Mum was (and I think still is) a religious listener, even after he did a live show from our school and acted like a royally rude toss-pot with questionable breeding. Despite his character flaws, however, with his help, the jam drop competition at the Bell Show over the years has taken on a life of it’s own.
I did most of my primary school in Bell. My Mum owned a cafe/ patchwork shop there. The Bell showgirl competition was the beginning of a massive part of my life. Although I haven’t been back for years and don’t even really know that many people there anymore, in some ways it still feels a bit like home. Because of that, Jam drops are a point of pride for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love traditional ones, particularly my Mum’s, but these shortbread jam drop cookies are my all time favorite.
Those of you who have been following along might remember I popped up my Cream Cheese Jam Drops a while ago. If you are into softer, more biscuit-y rather than shortbread-y ones they might be more up your alley. Anyway here is the link for them.
All this thinking about Jam reminds me, I planted Rosella seeds a while ago and they have come up! To give my pot plants a chance, Maggie has been locked off the verandah. I now have Rosella seedlings, a basil, a mint and a blueberry plant as well as a ‘Snackicum’ and some yucca cuttings. Happy days!
I am going to make these right away!! I’ll leave another comment afterwards;)
I must say though, it’s too bad I don’t know what temp my oven should be at. Just some feedback for you 🙂
Ok, off to bake!!
Hi Christie, a ‘slow oven’ is common terminology for 150-160 deg cel, depending on your oven. Hope you enjoyed your biscuits!