I’m not religious, however, I could get on board if the streets of gold are made of these bars!!

"Simply the best!" ~Matt
- 250 g butter
- ½ cup sugar
- 2 tbsp treacle (if you only have honey or golden syrup, just use brown sugar)
- 1 tin condensed milk
- 1 egg
- ½ cup coconut
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1½ cups rolled oats
- 1 rounded tsp baking powder
In a saucepan, bring butter, sugar and treacle to the boil. Take of heat and add condensed milk and egg then everything else. Spread out in a slice tray and bake at 180 deg cel until nicely browned, edges are pulling away from tin and centre is firm.
The Ramblings:
Sorry it has been so long between drinks! Life here is a little chaotic… But I’ve been taking photos of cooking so I’ll gradually get them all up. This one is Matt’s favourite ever and I sent these streets of gold bars with him on his last trip west.
So entertainment for you, I learnt the important lesson of don’t take babies through drive thru’s…..
So Hazie Boo was quite overtired the other day and on our way home from shoppping she fell asleep in the car. So in my infinite wisdom I thought I would elongate this nap by going through a drive thru and taking coffee to my brother. Just as a car pulled in behind me, foiling any chance at retreat, Boo woke up on the wrong side of the car seat. This is a baby who usually lays there making happy noises as she wakes up and as soon as I start talking to her she’s apples. This was not usually… By the time I reached the ordering place, I had to have my head well out the window and repeat my order multiple times for the poor girl to hear me over the catawailing. I should note, she had not long been fed and changed and in the lead up to this I had tried all the singing, dummy insertion, rocking, etc that usually works a charm…..She was not being fooled.
As I was waiting to get to the next window I couldn’t do it anymore. The wailing had made my boobs leak through an I big wet patches on my shirt but decided, too bad, and got out to bring her onto my lap. (I know not supposed to, but nor are you supposed to let a baby self destruct in the back seat and we weren’t moving anywhere). As I got out, the very well groomed lady in the new, bullbar-less, 200 series (by all assumptions a very yummy mummy who would never have had wet boob patches or a screaming baby) was not amused. I smiled and wave apologetically but as bent in to scoop Boo out, the wind decided to make my dress wave to her aswell. Now my Mum makes my undies… While I was pregnant she made me some fabulous ‘uglies’ style undies so Mrs 200 got full view of my unicorn seals butt with rainbow waistband and icecream leg bands…. Wonderful.
We paid but I still couldn’t get Boo to settle so while we were waiting to get to the collection window I popped a boob out. Having worked herself up soooooo (unnecessarily!) much, she wasn’t feeding overly well and was alternating between sucking and pulling her head right back (giving full boob view) and continuing the catawailing before having another mouthful. I’ll finish this by leaving you with the mental image of me trying to reach over her, boobs falling everywhere, to get the tray of coffee off the poor lovely lady at the final window…..
ps, I pulled into their car park and fed her before bundling her safely and happily back in the car seat to drive home.