So versatile and from simple ingredients
- 1 cup water
- ¼ cup soy sauce
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- 1 tsp garlic
- 1 tsp ginger
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 tbsp cornflour
Mix together all ingredients. You may find this easier to do in a shaker, or I pop mine in my cup blender and give it a zoom. Now from here what you are doing with it will play change what you do. If you are using it as a sauce, whisk it over low heat until it thickens… Taaaadaaa sauce! Alternatively, like I did in the picture, I poured it over some pulled meat and stirred that until it was thick. Would be beautiful as a stirfry sauce, so again just pour it in a stir til thick. If you are wanting to use it as a slow cooker base, it would be a good idea to leave out the cornflour for the majority of the cooking time, then make a slurry with some water and stir it through at the end to prevent sticking… Sky is the limits, happy cooking!!
The Ramblings:
Our property’s new owner also bought one of the neighbors places and put on another young couple to live over there. Matt has been coming home with lovely stories about Marty and Kate but I’d never met them. So before I head east for a while I was keen to have them over for tea and after pulling my finger out and cleaning the house to be ‘guest appropriate’, last night was the night!
Matt had been telling me again and again how fussy Marty was with food but I shouldn’t have been so worried, slow cooked marinated steaks, Wendy’s garlic and rosemary fried potatoes and garlic bread with chocolate mousse for dessert had him sorted. To his credit he even gave the zucchini and tomato bake a try!